Our Story

In 2001 CEO and Founder, Michael Gill, began this company as a side gig on his days off from work, providing a solution to a local hospital system’s blood bank needs. It was during his own medical crisis that he realized how vital his “side job” was and the power of the relationships he had built with those hospitals. With that, he decided to go all-in and develop Gill Logistics into the industry leading courier it has grown into today. We now service more than 150 hospitals and are continuing to expand across the Southeast. 

Meet Our Team

Michael Gill

Founder / Chief Executive Officer

John Bradish

Chief Operating Officer

Shanna Stevens

Senior Accountant

Emily Keuntjes

VP of Account Management / Business Development

David Gill

VP of Fleet Services / Special Projects

Manuela Merrick

Human Resources Director

Vicki Moschiano

Administrative Coordinator

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